Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to the old turf

I'm back. I doubt if I made a dent in the blogosphere the last time I posted. I apologize to anyone who wondered where I was for the past year.

If you're wondering why such a long hiatus, here are some reasons (excuses?):

I worked both in my non-profit job onsite and my ontology job offsite.  Family members with health problems needed help.  I fell into an awesome yet overwhelming long-distance relationship.  I spent lots of time thinking about this post and the ones that will follow.

And I decided to come back to my blog, because I want to share what I'm discovering with you.  I want to know what you think, too.

It's good to be back.  I hope you'll stick around.


Ariane Benefit said...

This is a wonderful topic! I hope you keep blogging. Your story is worth are NOT alone! : )

Lori Wilson said...


Thanks so much for the encouragement!

I realize that unhouseholding is--for me and for many others--an ongoing process. Hope I can help others with it as I learn more.
